Featured Stories
Access new AFCP insights in Nuclear Future
Learn about the ambitions and achievements of AFCP’s Nuclear Data and Off-gas Capture projects in Nuclear Future.
Fuelling Net Zero in Nuclear Future
AFCP has been featured (four times!) in the Nuclear Institute’s Nuclear Future journal, which is now available to read online.
UKCDR recognises AFCP in COP26 research showcase
In UKCDR’s UK-funded research project publication, AFCP joins examples of bold scientific endeavours that are delivering impact in the context of COP26 priorities.
Front cover material: Clean energy economics and flash sintering innovation
Read about two AFCP projects in the September issue of Nuclear Engineering International.
Read about AFCP in Nuclear Industry Association Industry Link
The UK Nuclear Industry Association (NIA) covered AFCP in its most recent quarterly publication.
US spotlight for AFCP
The American Nuclear Society selected an article about AFCP as their current ‘Feature of the Week’ story.
AFCP cited in NIRAB Annual Report
Last week, the Nuclear Innovation and Research Advisory Board (NIRAB) published its updated annual report.